Who I am

Hold your breath - academic positions always take a while.

I’m a postdoctoral research fellow in the Hydrology and Water Quality group within the Water, Energy, and Environmental Engineering research unit at the University of Oulu.

I am studying the changing carbon and water cycles of terrestrial ecosystems in the sub-Arctic and Arctic through eddy-covariance data among other observational products.

Not Pictured: The Arctic.

Before now

I studied my PhD at the Climate Change Research Centre at UNSW in Sydney, Australia. My thesis was obnoxiously titled “Of Times and Types: Terrestrial Flux Predictability through Memory Effects and Vegetation Classes”. It began with two pages of acknowledgements and the following quote:

For the world is changing: I feel it in the water, I feel it in the earth, and I smell it in the air. J. R. R. Tolkien

When I’m not being pretentious…

Outside Academia

I hike and bike, mostly. Often just cruising about, but sometimes I get that wanderlust. The highlights being:

  • 2016: Springer Mountain to Harper’s Ferry on the Appalachian Trail in the USA.
  • 2019: Peaks of the Balkans Trail through Albania, Montenegro, and Kosovo.
  • 2020: Sydney to Melbourne via Wagga Wagga on the road bike.
  • 2023: Perth - Albany on the Bibbulmun Track in Western Australia.
Pictured: A Cyclist.